Dr Dimitra Blana has shared a video of a recent project, which has been using Health Data Science(1) to help NHS Grampian on Covid-19 decisions. The researchers developed a model to predict hospital care (hospitalisation). They also made tools to that helped to see the areas the NHS should focus on when testing for Covid-19 and seeing how positive cases connect.

This project is an important collaboration between staff at the University of Aberdeen and NHS Grampian. It was funded through the NHS Grampian Endowment Research Grants through a special Covid-19 applications call. They have also been able to share their research and tools with others to support the Covid-19 response.

Thanks and well done to the whole team for this important project!

To watch Dr Blana’s video please visit here: https://youtu.be/84Ay3gSeQec

1: https://www.hdruk.ac.uk/about-us/what-is-health-data-research/health-data-research-explained/