Hosting a research study requires teamwork. There are lots of people helping with delivering a research study. There are speciality doctors, surgeons, research nurses, data managers, healthcare support workers, pathologists, radiologists, clinical trial pharmacists, administrators and the list goes on…

Our lead oncology research nurse Sue Rodwell praised the teamwork of the local Primetime study team. The team had the highest number of participants in the UK, out of over 65 hospitals. Sue said: “I think this really demonstrates what a brilliant working breast cancer team we have here in Aberdeen. This study could never achieve these numbers without the close collaboration of the multidisciplinary breast team (MDT) and biorepository/pathology staff.” The local study lead is Dr Ravi Sharma, consultant oncologist.

Primetime is a study for breast cancer patients that have a very low risk of their breast cancer returning. You can read about it on the Cancer Research UK website.