The Recovery trial is a large-scale study that was launched in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The goal of the recovery trial is to identify effective treatments for Covid-19. It started with testing a range of existing drugs that have shown promise in treating other conditions.
The study found that dexamethasone reduced the number of deaths in very ill Covid-19 patients by up to one-third. This was an important breakthrough in the fight against the virus. Dexamethasone is now widely used to treat Covid-19 patients around the world. The trial has identified three other effective COVID-19 treatments. It has also shown that seven other treatments are ineffective.
The trial has recruited over 48,000 participants, and expanded to seven countries in Africa and Asia. It is one of the largest trials ever conducted. The trial was supported by NHS Grampian and Aberdeen Royal Infirmary was one of the participating centres. 173 patients were taking part locally.
In March, the RECOVERY Trial team have won the Medical Research Council (MRC) Impact Prize 2022 for Outstanding Team Impact. You can read more about the Prize and the trial on the Recovery trial news: RECOVERY trial team awarded MRC Impact Prize for Outstanding Team Impact — RECOVERY Trial
The trial website has lots of information if you want to find out more: Welcome — RECOVERY Trial